If your cards are on a hard surface, don?t worry too much about this last step. The thumb will press the tabled card into the other card you have tilted. Push firmly enough to cause the card to slide up the face of the originally tilted card. With the hand removed for easier viewing shows an angle of what the cards look like midway. The goal, as you might have guessed at this point, is to get cards the face to face. It might help to bow the tilted card away from you to help ?scoop? the incoming card. Once the cards are starting to meet along the top edge, tilt both cards down flat again. Keep the cards squared up and don?t reveal the face up card.
From this ?turned? position, there are a variety of stunts and hypes you can deliver. Let?s start off with the least difficult way to present your cards. Simply lift up the edge of the top card and let it flip over face up next to the already face up bottom card.
Another simple idea is to turn both cards over together and show another face down card.
Now you are ready for a real teaser! Take the two cards from the table and place them between the tip of the middle finger and thumb. You are now going to perform a move called the Twirl. Push down on the closest corner of the top card with your first finger and then extend your finger forward. Your first finger will end up under the two cards that just rotated around 180 degrees. Pull your first finger back and push down and forward again on the new closest corner. This technique of rotating the cards around face to face really freaks people out. Everyone expects to see the face of the card that is coming into view as you twirl the cards. Not this time! From here you can reveal the cards when ready or perform another Table Turn to get the cards back to normal.
Effect: The Table Turn is a clever way of secretly turning your bottom pocket card face up in preparation to display your cards in several impressive ways.
Tips: You will need feedback on your angles so you don?t reveal any of your cards. Practice in a mirror or with a good friend. When doing the table turn, strive to appear like you are just checking out your two cards. Do not make any unnecessary movements.
Advanced: The Pass Switch is a very visual way to present your cards. Place your cards on the table at a comfortable distance in front of you. Sweep your hand across the tabletop swiftly as you slide away the top card. If you move fast and apply the right pressure, the face up card will look like it just appeared from nowhere. Try not to let the bottom card move at all. Keep the sweeping hand moving, bring the card back, and place it face up on the table next to the other card.